• Tuesday 1 November 2016

    5 Dog Facts You Didn’t Know

    1- No two dog noses are the same.

    A dog's nose is the equivalent of a human fingerprint, with each having a unique pattern of ridges and creases.

    2- Dogs are as smart as a two-year-old baby.

    According to canine researcher and author Stanley Coren, your toddler and pup are about on par when it comes to brains. He also explained that man's best friend can count, understand over 150 words, and even trick people or other dogs to get treats. Intelligence varies based on breed—Border collies are the smartest.

    3- Tail wagging has its own language.

    If your dog excitedly wags their tail, it means they're happy to see you, right? Not necessarily. According to Discovery.com, dogs wag their tails to the right when they're happy and to the left when they're frightened. Wagging low means they're insecure; and rapid tail wagging accompanied by tense muscles or dilated pupils can signal aggression.

    4- A dog's unique smell is secreted in its glands.

    And yes, those scent glands are located in their backsides. Dogs are notorious for sniffing one another there, but it's how they identify others and also what they use to mark their territory.

    5- Dogs dream like people.

    If you've ever noticed your pooch twitching in her sleep, this probably means she's dreaming. Researchers found that dogs have similar sleep patterns and brain activity as humans, and that small breeds tend to dream more than large ones. Psychology Today suggests they're probably imagining familiar activities like playing outside or chasing their tail.

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